The Liverpool Catholic Community has many dedicated volunteers, but we can always use more! There are many unique opportunities with the various ministries and committees within our faith community in which you can share your gifts and talents. Please prayerfully consider offering your time and talents in some way for the betterment of our parishes and the Liverpool community, as well as in honor of our Lord.
To learn more about our ministries, select an available link below, or complete the information request form and a member of our Ministry Team will contact you.*
*For information about Liturgical Ministries, please fill out the form on the Liturgical Ministries page.
Family & Youth
Baptism Preparation
Children's Liturgy of the Word
Faith Formation
Family Life
Forever Young Too
Hearts of Joy
Pastoral Outreach to the Homebound
Family & Youth
Faith Formation
Human Development
Mary & Joseph's Pantry
Liturgical Ministries
Music Ministry
Garden Ministry
Linen Cleaning/Ironing
Parish Events
Adult Spirituality
Bible Study
Confraternity of the Rosary
Legion of Mary
Military Ministry
Voices of Hope
Family & Youth
Liverpool Catholic Community Youth Groups
Adult Spirituality
PCA Groups
Knights of Columbus
Communications Team
Young Adult Group